No.: TP 36 Walnut side table - available
Dimensions: ca.16-22 x 2 inch
Origin: Horb am Neckar
Felling date: 2017
Stock location: Stuttgart-Leinfelden, available
Info: This noble walnut slice comes from a private garden. The tree had to be felled due to disease, as it was also on a slope and threatened to fall on the house. Instead of the usual action, the owner did not have the heart to simply "dispose" of the beautiful wood and so I had the good fortune to transform this tree into wonderful blanks. It wasn't easy there as there was little space and it was on a slope, it took me three long days to saw out the wood, but it was worth every single piece. On this piece the bark stayed perfectly in tact (which is an exception) and doesn't come off and just looks great....

Mobilsäge-BW & Herrmann Massivholz
Central warehouse: 70771 Leinfelden/Hohenheimerstr.68 (appointment by arrangement!) / germany
Further warehouses in Rottenburg and Nuremberg (appointment by arrangement!)
Contact person: Patrick Herrmann
mobile: +49 (0) 176 - 640 187 41
fax: +49 (0) 711 - 95 818 223
email: PldQWFF+U1FcV1JNX1tZWxNcSRBaWw@nospam


We are constantly looking for logs
and trees > 60 cm Øme > 60 cm Ø

Our services:

  • Tables and counters unique (focus)
  • Solid wood trade
  • Mobile sawmill
  • Tree felling/tree care


Dipl. Holzbetriebswirt, SKTA, SKTB/B
