This is the story of an ancient oak tree that fell in 2018 in the forest near Heilbronn - very close to the forest adventure trail near Untergruppenbach (zip code 74199) - due to severe fungal infestation and had been lying in the forest ever since. The trunk was up to 140 cm in diameter in places.

My colleague Fabian likes to play a game with his children. When walking/cycling in the forest, someone else always gets to decide where to turn off at the next junction and they then "discover" the path together... They discovered this huge oak trunk in the forest. Fabian was then able to buy it from the forestry office. It was to be used to make a large plank for the kindergarten and a huge board as a back wall for a new bed to be built. In the end, we were able to saw out a lot more together, even though the trunk was unfortunately no longer completely usable. However, many huge planks or table top blanks measuring approx. 260 x 110 cm and some mighty slices up to 130 cm in diameter were created.

At the end of 2023, we invested another day on site to measure, prepare and cut the logs. A harvester driver then pulled the parts out of the forest to the forest path where we then sawed them open at the beginning of 2024.

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Mobilsäge-BW & Herrmann Massivholz
Central warehouse: 70771 Leinfelden/Hohenheimerstr.68 (appointment by arrangement!) / germany
Further warehouses in Rottenburg and Nuremberg (appointment by arrangement!)
Contact person: Patrick Herrmann
mobile: +49 (0) 176 - 640 187 41
fax: +49 (0) 711 - 95 818 223
email: M1pdVVxzXlxRWl9AUlZUVh5RRB1XVg@nospam


We are constantly looking for logs
and trees > 60 cm Øme > 60 cm Ø

Our services:

  • Tables and counters unique (focus)
  • Solid wood trade
  • Mobile sawmill
  • Tree felling/tree care


Dipl. Holzbetriebswirt, SKTA, SKTB/B
