We are constantly looking for logs
and trees > 60 cm Øme > 60 cm Ø
Tree species: wild service tree
Color: reddish brown, analogous to pear tree
Hardness: very hard
Characteristics: hard, dense, uniform very noble wood/wild fruit wood, distinguishable from pear wood only in microscope.
Heartwood formation: it is a mature wood tree (tree with light heartwood), i.e. the heart is indistinguishable in color (with exceptions) from the sapwood.
Psychological equivalent: The name "Elsbeere" goes back to Martin Luther, whose wife was particularly fond of the fruit. Among the Celts and also the Germanic tribes, the "Else" was considered a lucky tree that could avert disaster - just like the other trees of the genus "Sorbus", which were dedicated to the thunderstorm god Donar. It was therefore often planted at the edge of places of worship. The Wild Service Tree is a very native solitary tree with a centering effect and a warm appearance. A mighty and proud appearance with strong attraction, which needs space and time to develop. It appears dignified and content, resting in itself, like a calm fire, with inner glow, steadfast, harmonizing and relaxing. As a power tree, it can activate the inner sources of energy and support independence from others. It promotes qualities such as patience, self-confidence, serenity, concentration and inner strength.
Characteristics/uses: mostly sliced veneers, finest interiors, tables, wall paneling, furniture, trim, instrument making, turning....
Value/availability: very rare, it is one of the most expensive/valuable woods
Pruning time in arboriculture: in summer (from about May to August), after the leaves are in full bloom
Closure behavior: medium
Cut and wound closure: according to current guideline ZTV Baumpflege, before knot ring up to (as far as possible) max. 10 cm diameter, no wound closure (as ineffective).
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Sources of the information:
- My own experience/knowledge and documents from my wood economics studies at the Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences.
- Native timber (loose-leaf collection) Authors D. Grosser and W. Teetz. CMA, Bonn-publisher -Holzabsatzfonds-Bonn 1998
- Book Volker Drolshagen/Karin Hoffmann: The Language of Trees (1997)
- Website https://www.everyday-feng-shui.de