Tree species: pear tree

Color: light/reddish brown, old trees often with a dark brown often irregularly shaped false core

Hardness: hard to very hard and heavy

Characteristics: a very decorative noble hardwood, very uniform structure

Heartwood formation: no, the pear tree belongs to the mature trees (or tree with light heartwood), that is, it is uniformly colored.

Psychological equivalent: Pear as a tree of strength can show the way in difficult situations and facilitate dealing with unpleasant people. It supports positive thinking, forgiveness, independence, well-being, work on yourself. According to Christian "but" belief, pear trees are the residence of witches and demons. Among the Germanic and Babylonian peoples, they were considered sacred trees and the seat of the gods. In ancient Greece they were especially coveted and dedicated to the goddess Hera, the protector of married women. They are considered symbols of love, fertility and growth, knowledge and insight. The fruits stand for the male principle with a lot of warm and sunny energy, but comparatively hard and rough charisma. The delicate flowers were already considered a sign of beauty and femininity in the Gothic period

Properties/use: hard and dense, very easy to work and polish. Ideal for milling and as a veneer. Very stable in shape (after drying). Pear also contains tannins which cause graying when in contact with iron and moisture.

Value/availability: high because only available in small quantities, if at all. Valued wood for woodturners, craftsmen, furniture handles, moldings, exclusive individual furniture, planed carcasses, tool handles. Upscale interiors, inlays, drawing and measuring instruments, musical instruments (especially recorders), machine parts, presses and spindles, spinning wheels, printing forms...

Pruning time in arboriculture: in summer (from about May to August), after full leaf shoots.

Sealing behavior: rather poor, if possible cut approx.5 cm diameter

Cutting and wound closure: according to current guideline ZTV Baumpflege, before branch ring up to (as far as possible) max. 5 cm diameter, no wound closure (because ineffective).

Sources of the information:

  • My own experience/knowledge and documents from my wood economics studies at the Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences.
  • Native timber (loose-leaf collection) Authors D. Grosser and W. Teetz. CMA, Bonn-publisher -Holzabsatzfonds-Bonn 1998
  • Book Volker Drolshagen/Karin Hoffmann: The Language of Trees (1997)
  • Website

Mobilsäge-BW & Herrmann Massivholz
Central warehouse: 70771 Leinfelden/Hohenheimerstr.68 (appointment by arrangement!) / germany
Further warehouses in Rottenburg and Nuremberg (appointment by arrangement!)
Contact person: Patrick Herrmann
mobile: +49 (0) 176 - 640 187 41
fax: +49 (0) 711 - 95 818 223
email: lP368vvU+fv2-fjn9fHz8bn247rw8Q@nospam


We are constantly looking for logs
and trees > 60 cm Øme > 60 cm Ø

Our services:

  • Tables and counters unique (focus)
  • Solid wood trade
  • Mobile sawmill
  • Tree felling/tree care


Dipl. Holzbetriebswirt, SKTA, SKTB/B
