Herrmann solid wood:
Our project TP47 - a resin table with a difference....this special table top is still available.

We can also produce table tops from other wood/other pieces in this style. We always have a large selection of blanks in stock for this purpose.
The starting material was a particularly "characteristic" oak board (which made the whole thing a lot more complex to produce). The customer wanted this board to be cast in a rectangular transparent resin frame. We made a special casting box for this, fitted the board into it (if possible without changing the original shape) and cast it. The actual casting work took about 2 weeks. Due to the many small cracks and holes, a lot of reworking was necessary. The sanding work on a resin table is generally very demanding and even when applying hard wax oil, things can still go wrong if you are not careful. However, after a lot of work, everything worked very well and the happy customer was able to take delivery of his dream table.

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Mobilsäge-BW & Herrmann Massivholz
Central warehouse: 70771 Leinfelden/Hohenheimerstr.68 (appointment by arrangement!) / germany
Further warehouses in Rottenburg and Nuremberg (appointment by arrangement!)
Contact person: Patrick Herrmann
mobile: +49 (0) 176 - 640 187 41
fax: +49 (0) 711 - 95 818 223
email: MFleVl9wXV9SWVxDUVVXVR1SRx5UVQ@nospam


We are constantly looking for logs
and trees > 60 cm Øme > 60 cm Ø

Our services:

  • Tables and counters unique (focus)
  • Solid wood trade
  • Mobile sawmill
  • Tree felling/tree care


Dipl. Holzbetriebswirt, SKTA, SKTB/B
