We are constantly looking for logs
and trees > 60 cm Øme > 60 cm Ø
Tree species: Sycamore tree
Color: sapwood white to light reddish or light brown. heartwood light reddish brown to brown
Hardness: very hard
Characteristics: very noble hard harmonious wood
Heartwood formation: yes the sycamore is a true heartwood tree
Psychological correspondence: the essence of the mighty sycamore helps with letting go processes and supports new projects. It promotes self-forgiveness, recognizing connections and making decisions. Maintaining an overview, gaining distance, finding new perspectives and taking responsibility are further traits of the popular village tree, which was one of the sacred trees for the Greeks. It also promotes serenity, has a relaxing and regenerating effect.
Properties/Use: a very noble decorative wood for furniture, interior finishing, veneers, handicrafts, turnery goods and musical instruments. In the radial cut, the medullary rays are particularly prominent as so-called "mirrors" (even more so than in the case of oak).
Value/availability: rare to hardly available, valuable
Pruning time in arboriculture: in summer (from about May to August), after full leaf sprout
Sealing behavior: very good
Pruning and wound closure: according to current guideline ZTV Baumpflege, before knot ring up to (as far as possible) max. 10 cm diameter, no wound closure (as ineffective).
Sources of the information:
- My own experience/knowledge and documents from my wood economics studies at the Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences.
- Native timber (loose-leaf collection) Authors D. Grosser and W. Teetz. CMA, Bonn-publisher -Holzabsatzfonds-Bonn 1998
- Book Volker Drolshagen/Karin Hoffmann: The Language of Trees (1997)
- Website https://www.everyday-feng-shui.de